Feature #8211
openTheme Suggestions: Material Design-Inspired Themes
As part of my Theme Assessment (https://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/issues/7828), I am identifying and suggesting new themes for the Commons to adopt.
In this thread, I am suggesting recently updated themes found in the WordPress.org repository that are built off of Google's Material Design: https://material.io/guidelines/
To note, all of these themes are responsive, and Material Design thoughtfully approaches accessibility, which Luke wanted me to prioritize: https://material.io/guidelines/usability/accessibility.html
The first definite suggestion is Materialize, which DH scholar Anastasia Salter has adopted for a web project, as she discusses here: http://www.chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/thinking-digital-with-external-review-materials/64127
Here's the theme info: https://wordpress.org/themes/materialize/
Some other potential suggestions:
Teslata https://wordpress.org/themes/teslata/
Sirius Lite https://wordpress.org/themes/sirius-lite/
SEO WP https://wordpress.org/themes/seo-wp/
CPMmagz https://wordpress.org/themes/cpmmagz/
Hestia https://wordpress.org/themes/hestia/
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 8 years ago
- Category name set to WordPress Themes
- Target version set to Future release
Sure, this seems like a fine idea. Do we have a preference between them? All things being equal, I'd opt for one with higher installation counts and more recent "updated" dates. Maggie, have you downloaded and tested any of these themes, and if so, have any favorites come out of your testing?
Updated by Margaret Galvan over 7 years ago
I've had good experience with Materialize on an individual install, but no experience with the others. Materialize, SEO WP, CPMmagz, and Hestia have been updated since I first posted this message, which is a good sign.