Feature #8498
openGravity Forms Email Users
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
- Assignee set to Matt Gold
- Target version set to Future release
Thanks, Raffi, and sorry for the delay.
It looks like this plugin is part of the Gravity Perks package, which is proprietary. As I write this, the "unlimited" site license is $108 https://gravitywiz.com/; we'd need at least a one-time purchase, and optionally, yearly renewals (if we want access to updates and support).
I have worked with Gravity Perks a little on another project, and it seems like a pretty decent set of functionality. But it's only useful if people actually use it :) If we're going to invest license fees and dev/support/documentation time into a forms plugin, I'd prefer it to be a non-proprietary one.
Matt, do you have thoughts about how to proceed?
Updated by Matt Gold over 7 years ago
I see the cost as less of an issue than the ongoing licensing and maintenance. But I'm in favor of adding it if you don't object, Boone
Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago
I'd personally prefer not to do it, for the maintenance burden you reference. It's your call.
Updated by Matt Gold over 7 years ago
Hi Boone -- can you let us know what services we have on the Commons that duplicate this functionality?
Raffi, can you please say more about this use case? Is it for teaching or some other specific purpose? It would help to know how and why you are hoping to use this, as that will help us figure out what other methods already exist on the site for doing the same thing -- and if we find that we don't have the functionality, maybe we can purchase.
Updated by Raffi Khatchadourian over 7 years ago
Matt Gold wrote:
Raffi, can you please say more about this use case? Is it for teaching or some other specific purpose? It would help to know how and why you are hoping to use this, as that will help us figure out what other methods already exist on the site for doing the same thing -- and if we find that we don't have the functionality, maybe we can purchase.
Hey Matt. Sorry, I didn't know this was per cost. I use gravity forms for mostly recruiting students for research positions. I could have used this particular to mass email students a thank you letter to those that did not receive the position.
Unless the perks package comes with other useful stuff, this feature alone is not super important to have. It's just a nice to have thing.
Thanks for the consideration!