



Documentation #8666


Create Teaching on the Commons Resource Page

Added by Matt Gold over 7 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Priority name:
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Target version:
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Deployment actions:


Hi Scott,

Per our discussion at our last meeting, I'd like to create a page on the CAC that we can circulate when we tell people that they can now teach courses on the Commons. The page should have sections like the following (to be discussed here):

  • Why Teach on the Commons
  • Getting Started
    • choosing a model -- group + blog? blog only?
    • hub/spoke vs. central site blogging?
    • onboarding a class
    • Setting up/using a group
    • Who can teach?
    • integrations (integrating third party services -- youtube, timelines, hosted media spaces, hypothesis)
    • Visibility
  • Resources
    • Sample teaching sites on the Commons
    • digital pedagogy resources

I've cc'ed Luke, Lisa, and Paul Hebert on this. I think, Scott, that we'll be able to get you some help on this, but if you could take point on it, I would appreciate it. Let's use this ticket to discuss the details

Actions #1

Updated by Paul Hebert over 7 years ago

I have a post I'm preparing for the In Common blog about choosing a public site for courses. It's rather basic right now, but I'm happy to expand it or integrate parts into another page. I found an excellent summary explaining due diligence for public course blogs on HASTAC that I link to (it's from 2012 but looks perfectly suitable). When I was preparing it I spent some time looking at the privacy options users are given when they start a new site. It has sparked some ideas about the wording (is it scary to make my site "totally public"?).

Actions #2

Updated by scott voth over 7 years ago

Hi - Should we make this a group with a group site?

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold over 7 years ago

I think that's a great idea, Scott. Let's do that.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 7 years ago

Hi Scott,

Just a bump on this to keep you moving. Please share with Luke and the team for feedback.

Also, please add a section to the site that takes account of this ticket -- . Often, faculty members are interested in duplicating a course site/group so that they don't have to recreate everything from scratch each term

Actions #5

Updated by scott voth over 5 years ago

  • Assignee changed from scott voth to Laurie Hurson

The site is created here -

I am assigning this to Laurie, but am willing to help if any assistance is needed. Let me know.

Actions #6

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago

Sounds good, Scott. Thanks for linking me to this ticket and getting the conversation & process started.


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