



Support #9115


question about invite by email

Added by Matt Gold about 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

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Related to that query I sent you earlier today about group file security: the group admins need to invite 90 people to the group. They don't really want to go through and figure out which ones are members of the CAC, and which are not. should they just enter all of the email addresses (in 20-person batches) to the invite-to-the-Commons interface? If they do that and people are already members of the CAC, what will happen? Will the system know that the email address invited is already in-use by an account, and will that account then have the invite?

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges about 7 years ago

Regarding the file security bit: Note that all members of the group will be able to access the files that the other group members upload. If the 90 group members includes applicants, this restriction should be kept in mind.

The invite-to-the-Commons interface will reject email address of known members. You can take note of them as they're rejected, and then invite them separately via the group invitation interface. There may also be users who are Commons members but will not match the email address on your list (because they have a different address associated with their account). These users would receive Commons invitations, which presumably they would not accept because they already have accounts. It's this sort of scenario that our new onboarding mechanism is meant to streamline.

If this sounds cumbersome, you can send me the list and I can do part of the work. I could write a script that identifies existing Commons members and auto-adds them to the group in question (or sends invites). Then I'd give you back the non-Commons-members addresses, which you could invite through the Send Invites interface.

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges about 7 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Matt Gold
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Matt - please follow up here if you need me to intervene.

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

Nope -- they are all good! The system worked well for them. No complaints as of yet. Thanks!


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