Bug #9603
closedManage Invitations in Responsive Mode
I tested responsive mode using Safari emulating an iPhone8. It worked, though it certainly wasn't a smooth user experience (the hardest part was navigating the flout hover menus from the BuddyPress link (from my avatar in the top right corner). The modals were pretty good. The one screen that was not responsive was the Manage Invitations. It truncated the right half of the window.
Updated by Stephen Real almost 7 years ago
The 3rd modal shows up in the middle, rather than the top.
Updated by Stephen Real almost 7 years ago
4th modal shows up in the middle, also.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago
Steve, can you please clarify these comments? What does "shows up in the middle" mean, and what does "3rd" and "4th" modal mean? Screenshots would be helpful.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago
- Category name set to Onboarding
- Assignee set to Raymond Hoh
- Target version set to 1.13
I'm assigning this to Ray based on the note about the Manage Invitations panel. Ray, could you please have a look to see if there are a few media queries you could throw in to make this look OK at some reasonable breakpoints? You can see the (somewhat random) ones that we already use in bp-nelo/_inc/css/custom.css. I know this is not straightforward when using tables. For the modal, I'm using this technique, which was recommended by Chris Stein https://codepen.io/lukepeters/pen/bfFur - it is pretty easy to set up (though it's not true tables) and works pretty nicely.
Steve, if there are issues with the modal, please report them in another ticket, as I'll be handling them instead of Ray. And please provide as many details as you can about what you're seeing.
Updated by Raymond Hoh almost 7 years ago
- File 2018-04-16_122725.png 2018-04-16_122725.png added
- Status changed from New to Testing Required
Just pushed some fixes for this to cdev. (Internal reference - https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/b50a9d4ce15c1c25fa3655a5c860b200abece418)
I've attached a screenshot:
Updated by Stephen Real almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved
Much better. Retested successfully. I am marking this resolved.