


Support #13878

Updated by Boone Gorges over 3 years ago

Bret Maney, who teaches in Matt's DH program, writes: 


  I'm trying to use the clone a group+site option to clone a teaching site and group for a new semester. When I go through the creation portal and choose "create a site+group," then "clone an existing group," selecting "Yes, clone the Group's associated Site," add in the details for the group, and click "clone group," it clones the group but then takes me to the "create a new group" page rather than allowing me to enter details about the site to be cloned. Is this a bug perhaps or am I just missing something? It seemed to work differently here: 
 > Thanks! 

 He followed up the next day with more info: 

 I decided to clone my site (new site: and then create a group ( and then connect them by going to the “Group Site” option under “Manage” in the group. 

 You’ll notice I selected “Enable group site” and the “Connect an existing site” option. However, when I try to enter the url for the site I want to connect, I get a “Sorry that site URL is already taken” error. This error seems counterintuitive because I’m trying to connect my group to an existing site, one for which the url will always already be taken.
