


Bug #20592

Updated by Laurie Hurson 1 day ago

Hi All, 

 A user is having issues with the constant contact plugin on this site: 

 "I have been trying to link the PIR Wordpress site to constant contact because the PIR is merged with UNIMA but have not been successful. It does a very strange thing of every time I approve the connection, it sends me to a weird furniture site. I have a video of it here.  

 I am not sure if this is a Wordpress thing or a Constant Contact thing." 


  I really think this is a constant contact issue, but can you all take a look to confirm? I asked her to clear her cache and try different browsers and she said it keeps happening. 

 I cannot recreate the issue because I don't have a login to constant contact, but you should be able to view the issue in her video above, and she sent some info from her console, attached. 

