Bug #21735
Updated by Laurie Hurson 2 months ago
Hi All, I was testing the non cuny sign sing up code process to see if it was still accurate because and a user alerted me it was not working. The typical directions we give are: >Go to https://commons.gc.cuny.edu and click Register in the upper right hand corner. Enter your address in the Email Address field, then hit Tab (not Enter). Now >you will see a field asking for the signup code. It is: COIL2025. Once you have entered the code, complete the rest of the sign up process as usual. Then, check your >email (the one used to register) to activate the afccount. I cannot get the code field to appear - hitting tab or enter or any other button - nothing works. Am I doing something wrong? Did we change this process? How should users input a NONCUNY sign up code? I know this is not pressing right now due to the migration but several folks will need to have outside partners join before spring semester so if we can return to this after the migration, that would be great. Thank you!!