

Sara Cannon

  • Login: scannon
  • Registered on: 2021-08-09
  • Last connection: 2025-02-25


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 17 23
Reported issues 8 42 50


Project Roles Registered on
CUNY Academic Commons Developer, Reporter 2021-08-09



12:28 PM CUNY Academic Commons Feature #22069: Groups Submenu design
Looks great to me! Sara Cannon


11:04 AM CUNY Academic Commons Feature #22069: Groups Submenu design
Thank you for surfacing this - I love actual user feedback so this is really important.
Sara Cannon


11:47 AM CUNY Academic Commons Design/UX #22057 (New): Site Creation Success Button
I suggest we change the button on the site creation success page to take you straight to your dashboard to start edit... Sara Cannon
11:35 AM CUNY Academic Commons Design/UX #22055 (New): Site Creation Default Template
During the site creation process, you can choose a "Default Template". The demo and the screenshot show this template... Sara Cannon
11:15 AM CUNY Academic Commons Design/UX #22053 (New): CUNY Academic Commons News Site Redesign
With the Commons news being so prominent on the home page, I think it makes sense to update the look and feel of the ... Sara Cannon


12:08 PM CUNY Academic Commons Bug #21895: Site creation/cloning should be off-loaded and broken into batches
Would something like this work? we could use the spinner that is on the export data page and add some friendly wordin... Sara Cannon


03:00 PM CUNY Academic Commons Design/UX #21883 (Resolved): Google Tag Manager Access
Got it! Thanks! Sara Cannon
02:54 PM CUNY Academic Commons Design/UX #21883 (Resolved): Google Tag Manager Access
In looking into analytics, I believe we have google tag manager installed on the site but I don't seem to have access... Sara Cannon
02:58 PM CUNY Academic Commons Feature #21835: Activity items should have 'delete' button
Sound great to me! and I believe we use it when editing a forum post as an admin Sara Cannon
01:59 PM CUNY Academic Commons Feature #21835: Activity items should have 'delete' button
How about using the trash icon
Sara Cannon

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