Bug #10356
closedRBE error
Hi Ray,
I found it strange that this error message didn't contain info on the message I tried to post (which I sent from the wrong address). Can you please look into this? Screenshot and message original attached
Also, I'm wondering if "no longer a member of the group" is our default text or whether this is showing because I was once a member of the group. If it is just default and gets sent out to anyone who sends a message from a non-subscribed address, I would suggest changing the text to read "because you are not subscribed to this group using the email address [sender email address]"
Updated by Raymond Hoh over 6 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.13.11 to 1.13.12
Ran out of time to get to this. Will address in the next maintenance release.
Updated by Raymond Hoh over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Staged for Production Release
I found it strange that this error message didn't contain info on the message I tried to post (which I sent from the wrong address)
Also, I'm wondering if "no longer a member of the group" is our default text or whether this is showing because I was once a member of the group.
Matt, you received the "no longer a member of the group" email because you mentioned that you used a different email address to compose the email than the email address registered on the Commons and is a member of that group.
Secondly, the email address you used to post the group topic appears to have an account on the Commons (probably is from a secondary test account). Does that sound about right? I don't have enough debug info to find out which user account that is though. If the email address did not exist in the system, you would have received a "user does not exist" email that resembles this:
However, the "no longer a member of the group" error email you received does lack context. To make things clearer, I've altered the email content to the following:
Group forum topic
Hi there, Your forum topic with the subject "SUBJECT": "EMAIL CONTENT" Could not be posted because you are no longer a member of the group, "GROUP NAME". To post a new topic via email to this group, please rejoin the group here: GROUP PERMALINK URL We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Group forum reply
Hi there, Your forum reply: "EMAIL REPLY" Could not be posted because you are no longer a member of the group, "GROUP NAME". To comment on the forum thread, please rejoin the group: GROUP PERMALINK URL We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Matt - Let me know if you'd like me to change the email content some more.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved
About to ship this. Thanks, Ray.
Updated by Matt Gold over 6 years ago
Belated thanks for this, Ray. the email looks good