Support #10792
sexgenlabs site - Elementor + Glossary + creative commons license widget
Added by scott voth about 6 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
Category name:
WordPress Plugins
The sexgenlabs site is using the Glossary plugin. They didn't like the license text appearing on each of their glossary terms, so I fixed that with some CSS. No problem. But they also have a page that lists all Glossary terms and definitions - This page is built with Elementor. For some reason, the definition of each term is concatenated with "This entry is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication license." (no image, just the text)
"Glossary" documentation is pretty sketchy on how to get both the term and definition to show up - so I can see why they resorted to Elementor. I've looked at this for a while and don't see how to hide the offending text, since it is a concatenated string.
Any ideas? Is there a way to shut off the creative license widget?
- Assignee set to Raymond Hoh
- Target version set to 1.14.2
It looks like this is coming from the cac-creative-commons plugin.
Ray, maybe we should be more selective about when and how the post-footer is added? Maybe only for a whitelist of post types? And maybe only when is_single()? Any other ideas?
- Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
What I originally intended was for the license to show up in the post loop on archive pages as well. I didn't really think things through with other post types.
So I think it makes sense to only expose this to singular blog posts at this time and no other post types. I've made the change here:
Let me know if you want me to deploy the fix to production.
Do we also want the page
post type to also have the license capability?
Thanks, Ray. I think that this conservative change is a good one for now. In the future, maybe we can have some sort of per-item or per-post-type toggle.
Scott, this change will go into effect after our next scheduled maintenance release, which is on Tuesday the 11th.
Sorry, missed the question about the 'page' post type - I'd say yeah, go ahead and add it. Thank you!
- Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved
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