



Support #10838


two plugin/theme requests from a digital fellow

Added by Marilyn Weber about 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Priority name:
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Target version:
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A digital fellow makes the two requests:

What's the name of the plugin/theme?
1) Customizr Pro Version
2) Search & Filter Pro Version

In a few words, what does it do?
1) Customizr is a simple and fast WordPress theme designed to help you attract and engage more visitors. Provides a perfect user experience on smartphones. Powers more than 100K active sites around the world. Hundreds of 5-stars reviews received on
2) Search and Filtering system for Pages, Posts, Categories, Tags and Taxonomies

Please provide a link to the plugin/theme on the WordPress theme repository or ( plugin repository (

Please research the release history and popularity of the plugin/theme. How many times has it been downloaded? When was it last updated?
1) Updated to version 4.1+ during the year 2018:
2) Search & Filter Pro 2.0 was released in early 2018:

How is the plugin/theme different from what's already provided on the Commons?
We do not have access to the set of features that come with the pro versions of 1 & 2. We are uncertain as to what specific features at the moment since the site is still in development. But as a guess,
for 1: we would like access to "custom scripts" and "featured pages unlimited"
for 2: we would like to the UI interface and ajax scripts

Please let us know who you are (include a link to your site) and who will use this tool?
I am the Digital Fellow for CLACLS at CUNY GC. The center will be purchasing the pro versions to build a webpage for the center using the WordPress based Commons platform.

  • Please let me know if I, or CLACLS, need to provide any further information.

Anthony Ramos
Graduate Student, CUNY Graduate School
Cultural Anthropology | PRSG | AELLA (


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