



Bug #11200


User Summary (Reckoning plugin) not linking to single user content

Added by Laurie Hurson about 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Faculty members using the Reckoning plugin have noticed that they are unable to view the full summary of single user information.

When in User>User Summary there is a list of all site users with summarized content (screenshot1). Username should link to a page with all full length content in one page (screenshot 2 form B@B because unavailable on CAC). The username link is not working. When clicked it appears to load but then just defaults to the original user summary page. Issue is not allowing admins to view full length content.

Tested and confirmed bug here-->
All users summary:
Should be single user full length summary:


s2.png (385 KB) s2.png Laurie Hurson, 2019-03-07 02:55 PM
s1.png (150 KB) s1.png Laurie Hurson, 2019-03-07 02:55 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges about 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
  • Target version set to 1.14.8

There's a bug in Reckoning that causes it to look for a WP "query var"; but the concept of a "query var" doesn't properly exist when looking at the Dashboard (as opposed to the frontend of the site). I'm unsure why this ever worked, or why it works on Blogs@Baruch. It's possible that it's a recent change in WordPress, though I rolled my local instance of the Commons back to 4.9.8 and I see the same bug occurring.

I've hotfixed Reckoning on our installation in It appears that the plugin is no longer maintained so there's likely nothing else that needs to be done here. I'm CCing Luke in case he has reason to believe that Shawn will be shipping future updates.

Actions #2

Updated by Luke Waltzer about 6 years ago

Haven't heard from Shawn in years, and don't think the plugin is being actively maintained.

Actions #3

Updated by Laurie Hurson about 6 years ago

Thanks for looking into this, Boone.

Unfortunately, it is still not working for me on the Course Test site (even after de/reinstalling).

I realize it's an old plugin that is not well maintained and therefore not a great option. However, I have not found anything comparable to display user post counts and content summaries, which are really invaluable for teaching.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges about 6 years ago

Hi Laurie - The fix has not yet been deployed to the production site. This will happen during our next release, which is schedule for tomorrow around 11am EDT.

Actions #5

Updated by Laurie Hurson about 6 years ago

Ah- okay, sorry to jump the gun.

Thanks for the quick fix!

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved
Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

  • Category name set to Reckoning

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