Bug #1231
closedInaccessible Site on the Commons
Hi Boone and André,
Not sure what is going on, but the CUNY DHI site is suddenly inaccessible to me: http://cunydhi.commons.gc.cuny.edu/ . Attached is a screenshot of what I see when I visit the site.
Also had this report from Charlie: "This is really weird - I can't access the cunydhi blog, via front end or admin dashboard. Same goes for the old Living Lab site on the Commons - but I can get to others e.g. CUNY Pie, Omeka, etc. And just working my way down the blogs list on the Commons the Help & Support blog didn't load for me either (others were fine)."
Related issues
Updated by local admin over 13 years ago
Matt, I think Scott beat you to the punch here. This is more than likely a dupe of http://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/issues/1230. Why don't we gather around there instead?
Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Duplicate