



Feature #13754


Update Commons WordPress Default Theme

Added by scott voth about 4 years ago. Updated about 4 years ago.

Priority name:
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WordPress Themes
Target version:
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Our current default WP theme is Twenty Twelve, which to me seems ancient.

I would suggest changing to the Astra Theme - - or even to Astra Pro - (seems for $59 you can have unlimited sites).

Astra is a very popular and modern theme, with good documentation and support.

Maybe other people have suggestions for a different theme - but it seems we should look beyond 2012.

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold about 4 years ago

I agree with you, Scott. I do wonder whether it would be safer, though, to use one of the more recent Automattic-developed annual themes, though.

Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges about 4 years ago

Twenty Twelve is indeed very old, but it has the advantage of being a pretty neutral theme, in terms of layout and visuals. Twenty Sixteen is a similar concept, but a few years newer.

I agree with Matt that it feels much safer to be pushing a WordPress-developed theme. (Small clarification: the WP software project builds and maintains these themes, not Automattic. But this makes even stronger the argument that we should stick with one of those themes.) For reference, here's screenshots of each of WP's default themes:

Actions #3

Updated by Matt Gold about 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing that set of WP theme photos, Boone -- that 2005 Kubrick theme took me back!

I think the 2020 theme looks good, as does 2019. I'd probably go with 2020 myself for the default. What do others think?

Actions #4

Updated by scott voth about 4 years ago

I'm good with 2020, but also 2021 looks nice, as long as we are going mod.

Actions #5

Updated by Colin McDonald about 4 years ago

We talked about this on the community call a bit today and agreed that the 2020 theme would be a good default moving ahead, whenever we can put that in place.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to Not tracked

Sounds good. This change is made by changing the theme on, which is the site whose settings are copied when setting up a site using the "default template".


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