Bug #13982
Clone warning box on new Group + Site Creation
Added by Colin McDonald about 4 years ago.
Updated almost 4 years ago.
Category name:
Group cloning
See attached screencast, going through the new Group + Site workflow today I noticed that at the end of the Site creation screen was the yellow warning box about cloned content, even though I wasn't cloning anything (indeed, I was helping a brand-new user, who had never been an admin or creator of a group or site previously).
Also, why on the Site step didn't I have the Site Layout section to apply a Teaching or other template?
And there isn't a way to apply the teaching template to a Site if you don't do it during the Creation flow, right?
- Category name set to Group cloning
- Target version set to 1.18.5
Both of these issues sound like they might have a root cause: something in the group creation process is being fooled into thinking that there's a clone taking place, when in fact there is none. (The Layout section doesn't appear if you're cloning.) Jeremy, could you please try to reproduce this and let us know what you think?
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Jeremy Felt
I was helping a brand-new user, who had never been an admin or creator of a group or site previously
This was the key. I had written some buggy logic that showed a specific interface to users who were already administrators of existing sites, but failed to better account for users who were brand-new.
The fix in https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/pull/9 ensures the cloning related UI bits don't show up when a clone isn't possible.
- Status changed from New to Staged for Production Release
Ah, this explains why I couldn't reproduce - I didn't test with the new user. I've merged this change and deployed it to cdev, in case Colin would like to review before next week's release.
Thanks all! I think it would take some doing for me to test on cdev, as I'd need a fresh cdev account allowing for the new logic for new users that Jeremy mentions. Right? I can trust that we've got it, unless it isn't a big deal to get me a burner fresh cdev account.
Seems good to me to trust it :)
- Status changed from Staged for Production Release to Resolved
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