Bug #1465
closedTagAsCategory Extension & Wiki Inc Plugin
I notice that when Commons wiki pages are included in posts or pages using the Wiki Inc Plugin, and then are tagged in WordPress, something seems to go haywire in the TagAsCategory extension (not even sure why the logic would go there). See attached image. The code in "function moveTaggerBox()" is displayed in the excerpt. Clicking on the link produces the correct content.
I don't think it is theme-related since I tested in 2010 and in Canvas.
In the screenshot, I scrolled to the bottom of the Codex and clicked on the "images" tag in the cloud. The first result is a plain post and the second is a post coming via Wiki Inc.
I also tried to include a wiki page from Wikipedia, and tagged it, and that worked fine - no problems.
This is not related to the Commons 1.3 - since I noticed it before, but wanted a little time to test it to see what was causing it.
Here is a link to the TagAsCategory extension - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TagAsCategory