Feature #15604
openRestructure Commons Group Digest Email Messages
I'd like to suggest that we review and restructure the digest emails. Currently, they include the full-text of the messages, one after the other. I think we should start off the message with a list of subject lines, each of which links to the actual message on the Commons. That will allow people to see, at a glance, the full set of messages they've missed rather than having to comb through a thicket of text to find each new message in a long email.
There may be other things we want to do eventually, like list tags. or, perhaps (and separately) allow people to subscribe only to specific tag-related messages (ie, as a member of a group, only receiving email notifications of a specific tag, like "Jobs"
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 3 years ago
- Target version set to 2.0.0
Let's file away your "other things we want to do" for other tickets - your tag suggestion is far more complex.
The new table-of-contents idea may work, but it needs more clarification. I will try to take time in the upcoming weeks to make specific suggestions, but here are a few notes for the time being:
- The only things in digests that have "subject lines" (ie titles) are forum posts and blog posts. Forum replies, for example, do not. We would need to decide how these fit into the new table of contents.
- Your suggestion is that the new TOC link to the original threads on the Commons, rather than linking internally to the full text in the body of the email. Are we eliminating this full text?
Updated by Colin McDonald almost 3 years ago
Still lower priority, but a small bump here and adding Matt as a watcher in case he has thoughts on your "full text" question Boone, or anything else here.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 3 years ago
I just wanted to flag that, due to the potential technical complexity of the task, this is an item that might get pushed to a later release, depending in part on how the funding situation pans out in the upcoming weeks.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.0.0 to Future release