Support #17314
closedcategory link problems
Two possibly related Zendesk tickets. Here's the first:
"My team in Theatre and Performance just finished publishing our new Journal Volume 13. And we have a process where we add a link to an old volume and then we link the category of the volume using a widget. It seems that the widget is no longer working.
We cannot get Volume 12 to appear and I cannot figure out what is different.
Can you help us?
Here is the volume page sample that is working:
This is the one that is not:
We cannot find any difference between the two why one has the categories listed and one is not showing.
Melissa Flower Gladney"
I replied "I think this may have been because, as they warn, the "Custom Sidebars plugin is NOT compatible with the new widgets edit screen (powered by Gutenberg).
Install the official Classic Widgets plugin if you want to continue using it."
I have installed Classic Widgets. Please try again. If it doesn't work, please describe in great detail what you usually do (a video or screenshots would be great.) Thanks! "
She updated: "I have taken a video of the issue. You can see how the old volumes things are showing up. I can tell no difference in the code between the two.
wordpress error<>"
Scott took a look and could not find the problem.
Related issues
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 2 years ago
Here's the second (
"We are working on publishing the JADT issue and are having problems accessing the custom field category on the site.
I am trying to create a custom field for each article but the category is not showing under screen options. I am also not able to install a plugin. There is a note that says : Custom Sidebars plugin is NOT compatible with the new widgets edit screen (powered by Gutenberg). Install the official Classic Widgets<> plugin if you want to continue using it.
When I click the link, it says i am not allowed to install it on this site. Please let me know if you have another option for installing the plugin and having the category show. I am aware this is also an issue with Arab Stages.
Thank you for your help.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
Regarding the issue, I don't think it has anything to do with Custom Sidebars or Classic Widgets. The category page is not showing anything because the items in that category don't have the metadata with the key 'issue-order'. In previous categories, each post had an 'issue-order' value, and the arabstages theme used that order to build the category archive in the proper order. When none of the volume-12 items had this metadata, no items showed up in the list. I'm unsure how the editors previously added this value, but I was able to do so on by (a) ensuring that 'Custom Fields' was checked in the 'Screen Options' tab, and (b) creating a new Custom Field with Name 'issue-order' and Value '1'.
I'll follow up separately on the other issue as I haven't yet investigated whether it's related.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
Regarding the issue. Here I also think that the 'Custom Sidebars' notice is a red herring, so let's set it aside for the time being.
The user says:
We are working on publishing the JADT issue and are having problems accessing the custom field category on the site.
I am trying to create a custom field for each article but the category is not showing under screen options.
Could I get more info on this workflow? What is the "custom field category"? Could the user provide a URL where they're trying to "create a custom field" but "the category is now showing"?
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 2 years ago
JADT replies:
I attached two screenshots, the first shows the note from wordpress and the link it has to download a plugin : when i click it it says i am not allowed to do so.
As for the custom field, it should be under screen options but this category is not there because the plugin is not installed. This allows us to put in the title of the article, name etc and have it appear on the front page to click and access each article. Please let me know if you need more information.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
I attached two screenshots, the first shows the note from wordpress and the link it has to download a plugin : when i click it it says i am not allowed to do so.
I don't see the screenshots here, but I can guess what they look like.
I attached two screenshots, the first shows the note from wordpress and the link it has to download a plugin : when i click it it says i am not allowed to do so.
Correct - it's not possible for users to install plugins on the CUNY Academic Commons.
As for the custom field, it should be under screen options but this category is not there because the plugin is not installed. This allows us to put in the title of the article, name etc and have it appear on the front page to click and access each article. Please let me know if you need more information.
The plugin (by which I think is meant "Classic Widgets"?) is not relevant to this issue. The issue in this case is that the 'Advanced Custom Fields' plugin is activated. When this plugin is active, the 'Custom Fields' option is not available under Screen Options. Since it appears that the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is not in use on the site (there may be some confusion because of the name overlap), I would recommend deactivating that plugin.
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 2 years ago
- File Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 7.06.09 PM (1).png Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 7.06.09 PM (1).png added
- File Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 7.05.35 PM (1).png Screen Shot 2022-11-30 at 7.05.35 PM (1).png added
Apologies - here are the screenshots.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
Thanks for the screenshots. They confirm my diagnosis in comment 5. The user should consider deactivating Advanced Custom Fields, at which point the Custom Field option should appear in Screen Options.
I'll open a separate ticket about the Custom Sidebars notice, which is harmless and not totally factually accurate, but which appears to be confusing some users.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
- Related to Bug #17346: Custom Sidebars plugin shows 'not compatible' notice added
Updated by Boone Gorges about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to Not tracked
Closing due to inactivity and based on suggestions above. Let me know if there are further issues.