



Feature #18134


Help site redesign

Added by scott voth almost 2 years ago. Updated 9 months ago.

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Here is a link to the redesigned Help page that I am working on, using the Twenty-twenty two theme. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks.

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold almost 2 years ago

I think it looks good, Scott! My only comment is that it could use some color. Maybe on the homepage you could make the icons have a color, like our CAC blue. It might be good to check in with Sara for advice when she is back

Actions #2

Updated by Colin McDonald almost 2 years ago

Hi Scott, looks great to me too, thanks for doing this! I'll continue to review but wanted to point out a couple of things:

- Should we keep the line at the bottom of the page that says, "Not exactly what you're looking for? Get Help" or similar to let people know they can still email/followup? Maybe the same as the footer on the homepage, with create and account and get help?

- Do we need Help & Support as the header across the top? Maybe the breadcrumb / navigation is enough to show you where you are and how to get back, and then the header beneath that features a bit better?

- Are there internal pages that still need some updates or migrations before we review and go live? I noticed I think a plugin issue here:

- Very minor, but the second drop-down question on the homepage needs a question mark. It looks like on the current help site it's there. Would there have been other inconsistent areas from migration we should check on?

Actions #3

Updated by scott voth almost 2 years ago

Hi Matt and Colin - Thanks for your input. I added some color to the icons. I added "Not exactly what you're looking for? Get Help" to the page template. I think that's a good idea. The reason the FAQs don't work is that we have a plugin on the Help page (Q and A) that is not available for new sites. I am not sure why it was decommissioned, but we use it extensively on the Help page. Also, I added the missing question mark - thanks for noticing. I also made the category links go to the first item in the relevant menu (like it does currently in "Teaching & Learning.") instead of going to a page listing the menu options. I think this is a cleaner way for the navigation to work. Also eliminates the need to change those three pages.

So basically, the changes I made were to add a new landing page and added/changed five templates/template parts.

I think I like having the "Help & Support" title in the heading, but can see that it might appear redundant.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • Target version set to Not tracked

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