Feature #1818
closedAdd news announcement scroll plugin
- What's the name of the plugin/theme?
news announcement scroll - http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/news-announcement-scroll/
- [plugins] In a few words, what does it do?
This plug-in will create a vertical scroll news or Announcement for your word press site, we can embed this in site sidebar.
- How is the plugin/theme different from what's already provided on the Commons?
Don't think we have anything that already does this.
- What's the potential impact? Who will use it?
Anyone who wants this functionality.
- Who initially made the request? [sometimes Matt is passing along requests from members, sometimes suggesting something he found himself]
- Who is the plugin author?
Gopi.R http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2011/01/01/news-announcement-scroll/
- Say a little bit about the release history and popularity of the plugin. How many times has it been downloaded? When was it last updated? [The idea behind these last two questions is that I'm more likely to look favorably on plugins that are less likely to be abandoned]
Hasn't been updated in a while, but does have high ratings and many downloads:
Last Updated: 2011-12-8
Downloads: 23,455
Rating: 5 stars (10 ratings)
Member has asked to have this expedited, so I marked the ticket as high priority. I expect a few other requests to come in from Zeteo, though (they're nearing their publication date), so we should wait for additional requests to come in.