Feature #191
Display of Forum Topic Tags
Added by Sarah Morgano almost 15 years ago.
Updated almost 10 years ago.
Category name:
BuddyPress (misc)
When I look through the forum topics, I can’t find the actual tags anywhere on the page. The only place the tags are showing up is on the main Forums page under the Forum Topic Tags. I also just added the new tag
"survey" for a post under the CUNY Pie group, but the tag isn't showing up under Forum Topic Tags.
- Category name set to BuddyPress (misc)
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Boone Gorges
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
It's good to see the tags. I just want to register the fact that that forum post page is starting to look at little cluttered; I wonder whether like information could be better chunked together. Is there any other place on the page that you could see the tags fitting?
Hi Matt,
What if we generate a topic tag cloud page and have the tabs read 'All Topics', 'My Topics', 'Topic Tags' (or 'Topics Tag Cloud')?
- Target version set to Future release
Sarah, are you suggesting this for a different page altogether? Do you have any thoughts about where the tags should or shouldn't go on the forum topic page itself?
- Subject changed from Forum Topic Tags to Display of Forum Topic Tags
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Let's have another look at this as part of the interface updates that will be associated with the upgrade to bbPress 2.x. See #3177.
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Rejected
- Target version deleted (
Future release)
Since moving to the new bbPress, topic tags are more prominently displayed.
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