



Outreach #1998


Prepare and release CAC Featured Content rewrite

Added by Boone Gorges almost 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Priority name:
Dominic Giglio
Category name:
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


Now that the CAC Featured Content plugin rewrite is about done, let's get it out there to the public. Here's a rundown of what has to happen.

- Create a readme.txt. The plugin repository requires this. Make sure that cuny-academic-commons is one of the names listed on the Contributors line

- Adjust the plugin's file structure a bit. The plugin is BuddyPress-dependent, so it should have a loader file that uses this technique to load only when BP is present: Another complication is that users of the old version of the plugin will find the plugin deactivated if the main plugin file (the one with the plugin header data) has changed its name. Currently, the loader file is cac-featured-content/cac-featured-content.php; it'll probably cause a bit less headache with upgrades if you keep that filename for the loader file, and then move your main plugin logic into a separate file.

- Decide how you want to manage ongoing development. We've been handling the rewrite in the private CAC repo, but it should be moved elsewhere. I have a github repo for the plugin, which you're welcome to have if you want, though you're welcome to do something else if you'd prefer. You'll also want to decide on the "official" way that you'll field public support requests for the plugin (you should support it at least for the major issues, under the aegis of CUNY) - Github issues, the plugin forums, the plugin forums, something else, or some combination of the above. These details should be laid out in the readme file, as well as in the release post, so that users know where to go for updates or where to submit patches and issues.

- Release on svn. Dom, have you done this before? If not, I'll help to give you instructions. Please give me your username, and I'll add you as a committer for the plugin.

- Write a release post for A few paragraphs on the purpose of the plugin, the purpose of the rewrite, and a rundown of the features, maybe a couple of screenshots if you feel industrious :) This post should only go live after the release is finished, and you've verified that the plugin is live in the repo.


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