



Bug #20442


"This group does not currently have a forum" panel has mangled markup

Added by Boone Gorges 26 days ago. Updated 19 days ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
Group Forums
Target version:
Start date:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
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This is a really weird issue where, if you go to the Forum tab of a group without an associated forum, the first two characters of the template markup is getting cut off, which causes the element not to be rendered properly. If I go into BBP_Forums_Group_Extension::display() and plop 'abcde' in front of the opening 'div' element, the browser loads 'cde' followed by the properly rendered HTML tag.

It seems like some plugin is manipulating the contents of the output buffer, but I don't really understand how to debug it further. Posting it here in case Ray has any insight.

The situation where this arises is very uncommon, and may occur only in my local environment where I'm using a mishmash of legacy data. So this is not urgent.


Actions #1

Updated by Colin McDonald 26 days ago

Laurie also encountered this, see her screenshot attached, if it helps with testing.

Actions #2

Updated by Raymond Hoh 25 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Testing Required
  • Target version set to 2.4.0

Thanks for the bug report, Boone. I did some object buffering to fix a bug with bbPress where they were outputting the <div id="bbpress-forums" class="bbpress-wrapper"> container twice. When a group has no forum, this bug doesn't happen. This should be fixed in and is available for testing on cdev.

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges 25 days ago

I'm glad I asked you before digging further, because it would've taken me ages to track that down :-D Fix looks good on my end.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges 19 days ago

  • Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved

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