



Bug #20921


"The Group for Group Admins" auto-invite should use our custom invites system

Added by Raymond Hoh 5 days ago.

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On the Commons, we auto-invite users who become group admins and mods to The Group for Group Admins (TGFGA) group.

This uses the cac-group-admin-auto-add plugin. However this plugin was built with the BuddyPress group invites system. There have been changes to the BuddyPress invites API, which would require an audit, and also in #8641, we introduced our own invites system. Would it make sense to switch from BP's invite system to our one for this particular auto-group invite?

If we switch to using our custom invites system for the group invite to TGFGA, we will need to do two things:

1. We will need to set a user to be the inviter to TGFGA. Who should that be? Whomever is the inviter will receive screen notifications about users who join TGFGA. These notifications could be bothersome. See #20861. Currently, the group admins for TGFGA are Matt, Marilyn and Sarah Morgano. We can also look to disable these notifications as well if needed.

2. We might need to write a script to switch older group invites to TGFGA to our invites system. We would have to check BP's wp_bp_invitations DB table and cross-reference the user IDs with the wp_bp_groups_members DB table to see if they are members, as well as our wp_1_cac_invites DB table to see if they already have a pending invite.

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Bug #20861: Unread notifications for invites I didn't sendResolvedRaymond Hoh2024-08-30

Actions #1

Updated by Raymond Hoh 5 days ago

  • Related to Bug #20861: Unread notifications for invites I didn't send added

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