



Feature #8641


New onboarding workflow

Added by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
Target version:
Start date:
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% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


See for full spec.

I'll take the lead on this. As the pieces start coming together, I'll probably break off separate tickets for subtasks.

I'll put into the 1.12 milestone, though it's unlikely to be ready.

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Design/UX #2096: Add Rescind Invite FunctionalityDuplicateBoone Gorges2012-09-04

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago

  • Target version changed from 1.12 to 1.13
Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 7 years ago

I've started to scaffold a plugin, which is located at If anyone on this ticket doesn't have access to the private repo, let me know and I will add you.

So far the plugin does the following:
- registers the post type and defines the data schema for Invitation objects
- provides an Invitation object for creating and modifying invitations in the database
- provides an Invitation query object for fetching invitations
- provides a CLI tool `wp caco invitation` for scripting the creation of invitations (for development purposes)
- gives a general scaffold for how the plugin can be organized, including PHPUnit tests

I've also started spinning off the larger tasks into their own GitHub tickets, which I think will ease the process of building (as it did for Social Paper and BP Event Organiser). Dan and Ray, I've started assigning things to you tentatively, but we should talk at our next meeting about whether these assignments make sense given your interests and availability.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges about 7 years ago

We're about a week and a half from beginning internal functional testing, and I wanted to give an update of where things stand. This is mostly for Dan, Ray, and Steve, in prep for our dev call tomorrow. To the rest of the team: we'll have more for you around Feb 15th.

The main pieces are mostly in place:
- The modal replaces the Send Invites interface in BP groups and user profiles, as well as Dashboard > Add New on secondary sites
- The modal is mostly to spec/wireframes, with some minimal stylings. There's a small handful of departures from the spec, due to technical issues we bumped up against during development. I'll catalog these before handing things over to the team.
- In part as a response to #9141, we switched to storing invitation data in a bespoke table.
- Emails are sent on completion of the modal process, though not yet in HTML. See
- A "claim" system is in place for users who visit the Register page via an email link, or who have existing accounts and want to claim an invitation sent to a different email address of theirs.
- The invitation management screens are there and functional (the lists are there, and the accept/reject buttons work), though there's some interface elements not yet built.

I've begun to sort remaining GitHub issues into two milestones: one for Feb 15, and one for final release.

I'm in the process of setting up our work-in-progress on cdev, where we can begin testing.

Let's talk more during tomorrow's call about what comes between now and the 15th.

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

This work is essentially complete. I'm waiting for some small styling changes from Chris, but that's being handled in forums other than this one. Marking resolved.

Actions #7

Updated by Matt Gold almost 7 years ago

Nice work!! Thank you.


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