Support #21013
closedQuestion about group library file editing permissions
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Group Library
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I just tried to edit a file in a group library but was unable to. Here is the scenario:
- I am co-teaching a class (with Krysia). She uploaded files to our group library. I believe she did this by cloning a previous group, but I'm not certain (though I could ask if this is important). We are both admins of the group ( )
- I noticed that one of the PDFs Krysia uploaded was not OCRed. So, I OCRed it and wanted to replace the existing file
- When I look at the group library, there is no option for me to edit any of the files, presumably because I did not upload them.
- When I look at group settings, there is no way for me to edit files
- Is the group library the place where one can edit files after they've been uploaded? (as opposed to group settings?)
- do we think that only the person who uploaded a file should be able to edit files in a given group? or should any group admin be able to edit any file in the group
I'd lean towards the second option given this use case, but I'd like to hear what others think