



Feature #21306


Max Height for ArcGIS Storymaps Embed

Added by Laurie Hurson 4 days ago. Updated 2 days ago.

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Hi All,

A faculty member is embedding ArcGIS storymaps on her Commons site. Example here:

She would like it so that the whole story+Maps is visible without scrolling. So I think the height setting for the embed needs to be increased. I have tried changing settings for that block in the block editor, adding/editing the css, and adding height code in the code editor but I cannot figure out how to make it so the whole story+map shows on the front end.

Are you able to increase the height on the storymaps embed? If so, how?


Actions #1

Updated by Raymond Hoh 3 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Reporter Feedback

Hi Laurie,

It looks like the member is using the Embed block to embed the ArcGIS Storymaps Embed. Currently, the Embed block doesn't allow for a custom width or height to be set, so the only way to set the height is to use the Shortcode block and using the [storymaps] shortcode syntax with the 'height' attribute for this particular embed set to 1600px. See: for the full shortcode syntax.

Actions #2

Updated by Laurie Hurson 3 days ago

Hi Ray, thanks for your help and apologies for forgetting I asked this exact question previously. I will search past redmine tickets in the future before posting!

That said, this fix works well but the alignment is off when using the shortcode block instead of the embed block. The shortcode block is justified left and the content needs to be centered in the page.

See here:

I tried adding shortcode align="center" and html <center>[shortcode]</center> and neither worked.

I also tried three column, adding the short code in the middle column and setting custom width to same as shortcode width. This works but adds an extra step.

Is there a way to have the shortcode/storymap align center without the use of the column block? If not thats fine but I figured I would ask.

Any insight you can provide would be much appreciated!

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges 3 days ago

The "centering" is because the block editor puts embeds into a paragraph tag, and the theme does its margin styling based on that <p> wrapper. Adding the <p> wrapper to the shortcode output appears to fix this problem. But I wonder whether this is a good practice. It might result in nested paragraphs in some cases, or weird theme issues in other cases. Also, I don't know whether it's semantically good practice to put iframe elements inside of paragraphs.

It also works if, in the theme or in custom CSS, you tell iframes to display:block. I thought that iframes were block-level by default, but maybe I'm wrong about that. Or maybe the theme is doing something odd? I can't see at a glance.

Laurie, your column trick is good, but it can be made simpler: Add a Columns block, and make it 100% wide. Then put the shortcode inside. IMO this is the most idiomatic way to accomplish what you want inside the Block Editor. It's annoying to have the extra step, but it's a bit less annoying than the three-column trick as you described it.

Ray, what do you think? Is there another way to do this?

Actions #4

Updated by Raymond Hoh 3 days ago

Ray, what do you think? Is there another way to do this?

For the Google Docs Shortcode plugin, I ran into a similar problem with the Block Editor a couple years back and solved this by wrapping the <iframe> around with the <figure> element -- This is something Gutenberg did back then and it appears to still work today, so perhaps use <figure> instead of <p>?

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 days ago

  • Target version set to 2.4.9

If Gutenberg does it, then that's good enough for me. I'll make the change to all of our existing iframe embeds.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 days ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Staged for Production Release
Actions #7

Updated by Laurie Hurson 2 days ago

This is great -- thank you Boone and Ray!

Just to clarify: with the fix there is there no need for the column workaround, correct? The "shortcode" block will now be centered by default?

Thanks again!

Actions #8

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 days ago

Technically, what it means is this: whenever you use the storymaps shortcode, the output will be an iframe element wrapped in a <figure class="wp-block-embed"> element. This is a convention used by WordPress itself, and most themes that are built with the block editor in mind will use consistent margins for elements of this sort. In the case of this specific theme, it will mean "centering" (although it's not really technically "centering"), and in other themes it ought to mean that the iframe has similar left-right margins to other body content. We can't be sure of this across all themes, but our technique is probably as close as we can get to universality.

Actions #9

Updated by Laurie Hurson 2 days ago

Ah- makes sense. That's great!!


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