



Documentation #2131


Hosting partner handbook

Added by Boone Gorges about 12 years ago. Updated almost 10 years ago.

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As we work more and more with orgs/publications like JITP and MESTC, who do their own WP development off-site but are then hosted on the Commons, it would be helpful to codify and make public some guidelines and best practices. I'm thinking that we might think of this "partner handbook" (better name ideas welcome) as a living document, which resides maybe or the Codex or, and evolves over time as we hone the partnering process.

Off the top of my head, here's some content I think should be in there:

- Information about our release schedule (1st, 11th, 21st of each month), and, in addition, a turnaround time for CAC team review. So, for example, we might say that you have to have stuff to us by 4 days before a release in order for it to be included. Or whatever.

- Plugin policy. We have a strong preference that sites use the plugins we already have installed, but we'll consider reasonable requests for plugins to be added, pending review by our dev team.

- Themes. Custom themes should pass the Theme Check with no high-level errors. Theme code is reviewable by CAC team. No SQL queries or other funny business in themes.

- Communication. Should use Redmine for non-sensitive communication.

- Sharing files. Zips (Redmine attachments, email, etc) are fine for now. Down the road it would be cool to come up with a system where partners could dev on Github and we could include their stuff as submodules, and updating would mean updating the rev number of that submodule on our install. (No need to include this bit until we've figured it out.)

- Other stuff?


As for the technical aspects, maybe this should ultimately live in a hardcoded page template, so that it's under version control. For drafting, we could use a wiki page somewhere, or a BuddyPress Docs page, or whatever.

Dom, I'm assigning this to you for now, as you've been handling this kind of task for the last dev cycle or two. However, I'll be happy to chip in with some of the writing and editing once some of the CBox deadlines loosen up a little. This is a pretty low priority item.


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