Feature #21380
closedHosting migration
I'll use this as a parent for tickets related to our upcoming migration to Reclaim.
We are currently aiming at a production migration around January 15. I've created a corresponding milestone here in Redmine.
Updated by Boone Gorges 4 months ago
Hi all - A couple notes:
- Reclaim has provided me with a dev setup, and I'm in the process of installing a copy of cdev so that we can begin testing. I'm talking to them about how best to grant access to Ray and Jeremy. I'll follow up on this thread when I've got more info.
- I've created a new branch reclaim-migration in the cac repo. This is created from the 2.5.x branch, and I'll treat it like the upcoming-major branch, merging changes from maintenance branches into it after each release. Please use it as the mainline branch for changes related to the migration, and use it as the basis for feature-branches. An important note about this branch: I'm going to stop tracking .htaccess, and so the next time you pull, you may find that your .htaccess file is deleted. After switching to this branch, you can copy .htaccess-sample to .htaccess to get a working local version. Sorry for this hassle - I should have done it a long time ago.
Updated by Boone Gorges 4 months ago
The dev environment, which is a clone of cdev, is now up and running. To access, point commons.gc.cuny.edu and any necessary subdomains to the following IP address in your local hosts file:
Note that SSL is not set up yet, so you'll have to click your way through the browser warnings.
Ray and Jeremy, if you would like to have SSH access at this point to begin testing things, please send me your public key and I'll whitelist it and give you access instructions.
Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 month ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
The migration is complete.