



Documentation #21427


Feature #21380: Hosting migration

Primary Commons workflows for host migration testing

Added by Colin McDonald 4 months ago. Updated about 1 month ago.

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Boone asked me to draft a list of essential Commons user activities as a basis for testing the new Commons instance on Reclaim Hosting. Basically, any popular/regular functionality we want to be very sure isn't broken before we migrate.

Here it is in a Google Doc. Please add/edit and we can adjust later as needed, as it's better to start with too many testing points than too few:

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges 4 months ago

Thanks so much, Colin. This is a great start.

The list is actually a bit more manageable than I thought it would be. Looking it over, I think it's likely that a tester could do everything on the list in, say, 30 minutes. This suggests to me that it's worth working through the exhaustive list when it comes to testing in the Reclaim environment.

Actions #2

Updated by Colin McDonald 2 months ago

I've just made some additions and edits to the doc here as per Boone's feedback. One thing I wasn't sure about was expanding on the testing steps for data export.

As far as I can tell on that screen in settings, you just click the button to export the data and that's that. Is there something else to test besides ensuring the exported file comes out well? There's no way to then import that file back into the Commons, is there?

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 months ago

As far as I can tell on that screen in settings, you just click the button to export the data and that's that. Is there something else to test besides ensuring the exported file comes out well? There's no way to then import that file back into the Commons, is there?

No, there's no import. You should just test that the data export request button works, and then I think you should get an email letting you know that it's ready for download (Scott, perhaps you can confirm this), and then confirm that it exports and that it contains your info.

Actions #4

Updated by Boone Gorges 2 months ago

I'm not sure that I want to pollute your workflows document with this, but I'd like to ask testers to do some additional pre-migration testing related to uploads and upload privacy. Here's a rough matrix:

Public sites vs private sites (Dashboard > Settings > Reading; the first two radio options are "public", the last three are "private)

Upload a new file (Dashboard > Media > Add New). The path of the uploaded file should be an S3 URL (either or, depending on whether we're able to switch the latter on before launch).

If on a private site, the URL should have a bunch of parameters afterward (something like It should be possible to access the file at this URL, but impossible to access it at the version of the URL that comes before the question mark.

Find one or more existing sites you belong to on the production Commons (Dashboard > My Sites at the upper-left). If possible, find at least one that is private. Then, test that site on the Reclaim installation. Check whether existing uploads are accessible.

Create a new post or page on a private site and upload+insert an image. Test that the image is visible when loading the published page/post (the 'src' attribute should point to the "signed" version of the S3 URL)

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 month ago

Marking this as complete. Colin, thanks for your help putting this together.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

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