Feature #2314
Request for new plugin: Frontpage category filter / Delete Hide Posts
Added by Jen Jack Gieseking over 12 years ago.
Updated over 12 years ago.
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Hi all,
On justpublics365.commons.gc.cuny.edu, we are trying to have all posts except one category go to the Blog feed. The short of it we want a News feed of press releases to be in News, and everything else in Blog. We could name everything Blog but there has to be a solution. I tried Hide Posts but it's 2yrs+ unupdated and no longer works so that it should be deleted. List Categories plugin also did not work. Pretty confident I did this correctly.
However, I found Frontpage category filter and installed it on my own site. It works perfectly. Please let me know if this can be installed.
Thanks, Jen
This is not a Bug. Should be filed under Support or Feature.
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Category name set to WordPress (misc)
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee set to Dominic Giglio
- Target version set to 1.4.13
- Target version changed from 1.4.13 to 1.4.12
Dom, if you're able to sneak this into tonight's upload, please do.
I've got the plugin ready to push up for tonight's release, but I wanted to point out (before I push up) that we do have the Front Page Category widget already installed.
You and I discussed the use of this plugin in a previous issue: #655
Let me know if you still want me to add this plugin.
Thanks, Dom. A few notes:
-- In the other ticket, it's true that we discovered that this plugin didn't do what I thought it did (affect the front page categories), but that it did do what Jen needs it to do (affect the actual posts that appear on the front page). Hence, I think we should add it.
-- I'm confused: you say we have the widget installed; do we already have the plugin installed?
Thanks, Matt
The confusion stems from the fact that we're talking about two plugins with almost the exact same name.
We currently have a plugin installed called Front Page Category
This ticket is requesting a plugin called Frontpage category filter
I'm wondering if the former will do what Jen wants before I add the latter.
Gotcha -- thanks.
Jen, can you please test and let us know? Ideally today, if possible, as we're doing a site update later tonight.
We're so close to release that I'm just gonna add this plugin now and let Jen test them both. No one else will be using the new one, so if the old works for her we can remove the redundant new one in 1.4.13.
Does that work for you?
- Target version changed from 1.4.12 to 1.4.13
Hi Dom,
Thanks for the install. The github link goes to a 404.
Also, not seeing the new Frontpage Category Filter plugin on the Commons. I've tested the Front Page Category plugin in the past and it has not worked. Will test again though!
Thanks. JG
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Hi Jen -- Frontpage Category Filter will be available after tonight's site update. We'll give you a heads-up when it is up. Good to know that Front Page Category isn't what you need.
Also -- don't mind the github link (internal team notes, as our codebase there isn't public)
Jen - FYI, the Frontpage Category Filter plugin is now available for use on the Commons.
Thank you! It works perfectly!!
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