



Feature #2682


Working with WP Post to PDF Plugin

Added by Kimon Keramidas almost 11 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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WordPress Plugins
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I have been experimenting with a very good post to PDF plugin for the European Stages site and have been very happy with it (it was in my plugin request list). There is only one problem and upon further research I fear that it may not be reconcilable on the Commons, and that is the default header included in the PDF (Scott Voth wrote about it on the codex here: It is easy to change the header on a single install by swapping out this file: /wp-content/uploads/wp-post-to-pdf-logo.png. But that gets unusual for a multi-site installation as all sites would share the same header. Scott recommends us just replacing that header with the Commons logo (kind of like Anthologize does with that same header place in its PDF creation, especially since it seems like both are using the same TCPDF engine), which would be fine, but ultimately I would like to put the European Stages header on those PDFs and it would be nice to use this feature and be able to customize PDFs on other sites. (for journals like ES this functionality is particularly useful for readers who are not quite screen savvy and who prefer to read paper offline)

I was wondering if there was any way to make this site-specific header possible and if the Commons would be interested in making the minor tweak to the plugin so it is more functional for multi-site (I have put in a comment on the Wordpress plugin and contacted him through his website asking for the same, but I think the developer is very intermittently interested in the plugin). Alternatively could the Commons logo or no logo at all replace the currently pretty awful header image so that it would be better aesthetically when put to use.


Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Support #2679: WP Post to PDF plugin LogoResolvedBoone Gorges2013-07-21


Also available in: Atom PDF