



Feature #287


Create troubleshooting tool for account sign-up

Added by Matt Gold over 14 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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WordPress (misc)
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Per ticket 280 -

To help troubleshoot problems with member sign-ups: from Boone: "Putting some development effort toward building a tool for triaging this sort of situation. As I said, the WP backend has no interface for seeing failed signups. It wouldn't be too hard to build one, though, so that admins could see at a glance whether a user's registration has gone through, to resend activation emails, and to manually activate accounts if necessary."

One additional suggestion: what if there was a front-end troubleshooting tool for users that would lead them through a series of questions and could check the database to see whether the user's registration has gone through? This would automate the process. So, for example, let's say a user has a problem signing up -- she doesn't receive the notification email. She visits the troubleshooting tool. It asks her questions like "when did you sign up"? "What email did you use?" etc. And then, maybe using that decision tree that Sarah created a while ago, it suggests a course of action, telling the user whether to check her spam filter, sign up again because there is no record of registration, or to contact an admin.

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #770: Install Unconfirmed WP pluginResolvedBoone Gorges2011-05-23

Actions #1

Updated by Matt Gold over 14 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
Actions #2

Updated by Boone Gorges over 14 years ago

Good suggestions. The front end thing might constitute a second phase for the project, as the first phase would lay the necessary groundwork in terms of a database class, etc.

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago

Related: #770.


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