



Bug #3102


mailpoet scheduled newsletters not sending

Added by Keith Miyake over 10 years ago. Updated about 10 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress Plugins
Target version:
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on the site, we're using the mailpoet premium plugin to send scheduled newsletters. the newsletters are working fine when they are sent manually, but scheduled newsletters aren't getting sent.

after the scheduled job doesn't run and it's status says "not sent", i can click on the scheduled job and it will send immediately.

the expected behavior is that the plugin automatically runs the job at the scheduled time using a pseudo-cron functionality. my guess is that the cron job is not triggering.

the premium plugin has a separate "wysija cron" functionality, which was enabled (i just disabled it to see if that works for the next scheduled email). it's supposed to set up a separate pseudo-cron job that is triggered by hits to a site-specific link, and the wysija servers are supposed to hit that link periodically (i suppose) to ensure that the cron job runs if site traffic isn't sufficient to automatically trigger the built-in wp-cron.

one possible solution is to add actual cron jobs to the server, but this is not a robust solution since i'm running the plugin on several sites and it would require adding additional cron jobs for every site using the plugin.

one possible source of the error is that the automatic wysija cron pinging is url specific and isn't working on the commons' subdomain structure. this would require opening a ticket with wysija, but i wanted to check in here first to flag the issue.

thank you!


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