Feature #3458
openFilter Members of Group by Campus
I thought I'd do a little research for Marilyn in her effort to figure out the CTL directors of each campus and was looking at the Centers for Teaching and Learning group which currently has 74 members. It occurred to me that it would be really useful to be able to filter by a particular college. That way I could find for example who at Brooklyn College has joined this group and reach out to them to see if they are or know who is their campus CTL contact.
Probably a fairly low priority feature, but I thought I'd put it out there.
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Micki Kaufman to Boone Gorges
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Assigned
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Chris Stein
- Target version set to Future release
Thanks for the cool idea, Michael.
It would be straightforward enough to build a bespoke filter dropdown or something like that, but it seems sorta random to do this. Would it perhaps be more useful to think about extending our member directory filter interface http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/members to group membership pages as well? This is more work, but I wonder if it would be more useful. (That said, I don't want to introduce a large amount of clutter to these pages if it would not be useful.)
Reassigning to Chris for some thoughts.
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
I'm going to propose that we wait for Samantha to come on board for this. But I do agree with Michael that it would make the most sense for this to be a feature of the list of members found within the group interface.
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Chris Stein to Samantha Raddatz
I am now assigning this to Samantha for feedback!
Updated by Samantha Raddatz over 10 years ago
A dropdown is definitely a possibility, but it's best to keep the options within a dropdown to 10 or less, so the list of colleges would be a bit too much.
If it's possible to add the filters from the membership directory, as Boone suggested, just below the current left column items, I agree that's preferable for this.
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
If it's possible to add the filters from the membership directory, as Boone suggested, just below the current left column items, I agree that's preferable for this.
Can you explain your thinking here? My thought is that one would want this functionality when one is inside a group, looking for specific people. One would go to the group space first because that's where one is used to seeing the members one is hoping to find. Going to a sitewide space to find people associated with a specific group wouldn't be as intuitive to me -- I'd think one would visit the group space first and then seek to find specific members there. Interested in hearing your thinking on this.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 10 years ago
I think what Samantha means (if she means the same thing that I meant) is that you'd go to the group's members page, and you'd see an interface there that is similar to what you see at commons.gc.cuny.edu/members/.
Updated by Matt Gold over 10 years ago
to group membership pages as well?
(emphasis added)
Oh, jeez, I really did miss this, didn't I? Sorry, all -- please carry on and ignore my last update.