



Feature #3475


Request to add plugin to streamline room booking/appointment booking

Added by Naomi Barrettara almost 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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This ticket is to request that a plugin be added in order to provide better room booking / appointment booking capabilities on Commons blogs/pages.

I built a website on the Commons at the request of the GC Music Department specifically to handle practice room and classroom bookings from students and faculty ( The current set up is such that users submit their info via a form (built with the Contact Form 7 Plugin), and the request is emailed to the Music Administrator. It the administrator approves the booking, they then manually enter all the info info into the calendar (currently built with the Events Manager plugin), and I have set up the categories such that it looks like a room schedule. When the admin asked me to build this website, I told them it would involve a lot of manual input/labour on their end, and that I wasn't sure if there was away to make it more streamlined. At the time, they said that didn't matter, they wanted it anyway, because they wanted control over approving or denying booking requests. Now they are complaining that the manual input of submitted info is too much work, so I have been looking for ways to make the process more streamlined and manageable.

Capabilities I am looking for:

My goal is finding a way for users be to enter info themselves in a form on the front end, and when they hit "submit", that info becomes a pending request, and once an admin hits "approve", the info auto-populates a calendar schedule. Essentially, a customizable front-end user form that auto-populates a calendar when the form is submitted, but also has admin power to approve, deny, or delete a booking/appointment. I looked for a way to do this in Events Manager, but you cannot customize the language and fields of the "event submission form", and the "event booking" function cannot be manipulated to suite this function, as it is created specifically for ticketing. What I really need is something like an appointment booking function that can auto-populate a master calendar, as well as category specific schedules.

Possible Solutions:

I did some looking into options for solving this problem, and every option I found would involve installing a new plugin - and I found three options that seem to have a capability that suites this purpose of room booking, but could also be more generally useful for Commons users looking for "appointment booking" solutions:

1) A plugin called Bookings (
2) A plugin called Calendar and Appointment Booking (
3) A plugin called Gravity Forms + Events Calendar (

- Option 3 connects the info submitted through Gravity Forms with The Events Calendar, and provides the customizability of the forms and the auto-populating function I am looking for. But note, in order to make it work, it seems to need a little bit of code added to the "Functions file" (more info about this can be found here:
- It would be great if there was some kind of automated email that was sent out when an booking request has been approved and posted to the calendar.

Please let me know if there is any more info I can provide to help with this feature request! Thank you!


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