Bug #3477
closedLaGuardia Member not able to reset password
Here is another case of a member from LaGuardia that is not being sent the "reset your password" link in the email. Can we give him a temporary pw? Here is his message:
Name: timothy coogan
Email: tpc4cats@gmail.com
Comments: Problem logging in. When I try to log in after typing in my user name (tcc27007) I am unable to go any further. For some reason or another I have forgotten my password but when I try to have one reset and it tells me to visit the following address, nothing appears for me to visit. There is no address for me to go to. What is wrong? Why can't i simply be given the address so I can then see the new password that is assigned to me? This is very frustrating. I would also like to change my school email address once I'm successfully logged in, to my home email address (gmail) so I won't have to deal with issues of space, which always happens when I'm using my school email address (groupwise from La Guardia Community College). Please help me if you can. Thank you, Timothy Coogan Associate Professor Social Science Department La Guardia Community College, CUNY 718-482-6049 (school) 212-741-1872 (home) tcoogan@lagcc.cuny.edu (school) tpc4cats@gmail.com (home)
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