Bug #4081
closedEvents Calendar: Allow restriction of event creation ability to admins on groups
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Following up from our last Subcommittee meeting in Spring 2015 is this suggestion from Luke:
Allow restriction of event creation ability to admins on groups
Related issues
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from Boone Gorges to Samantha Raddatz
- Target version set to 1.9
Assigning to Sam for UX sketch. The way I envision it is:
- Group admins will see a new subtab under Manage, called "Events" or "Events Calendar"
- This tab will be the home of whatever group-specific options we add in the future
- The option being requested here will be something like: "The following group members can connect events to this group" with the options "All group members", "Admins and mods only", and "Admins only". Default will be "All group members".
- The "New Event" buttons will be hidden in the group interface for users that don't meet the specified criterion.
- When creating/editing an event, the Groups autocomplete will not return groups where the current user doesn't meet the minimum role
Does this sound right? Better suggestion for wording, etc are welcome.
Updated by Samantha Raddatz almost 10 years ago
- File event_options.png event_options.png added
Sounds right to me, Boone.
Attached is a mockup of suggested layout. This is based on the 'settings' tab within 'manage', which I feel does a nice job of outlining what impact different options have and allows for adding further options later, if needed.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Duplicate
Whoops, it looks like #4483 was opened as a duplicate. That ticket is fixed for 1.9.