Feature #4245
closedSocial Paper
This is a master ticket for the development of the Social Paper for Commons 1.9.
We'll be working from the spec at http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/groups/cac-community-team-project-planning/docs/social-paper-spec/. I think everyone on this ticket has access to that document, so I don't see any need to copy it over here.
Here's the repo: https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/social-paper/ The following folks have push access: Boone, Ray, Christian, Dan, Matt. If anyone else needs push access, feel free to ask. Let's use 'social-paper' for the textdomain, but cacsp_ and CACSP_ for function/class prefixes (sp_ is not going to be a good namespace).
For bp-event-organiser, the dev team used Github issues for technically-focused issues/todos up until the point when we turned the feature over to the larger team for testing. This allowed us to work quickly, without spamming Redmine too much. Let's do the same for this project. The current Redmine ticket should be used for questions that need feedback from the larger team (like design stuff); for technical discussion, let's use Github tickets for the time being.
The Social Paper divides fairly cleanly into a couple different tasks that we can do in parallel. I'd like to divide up the work as follows:
- Ray: Paragraph-level commenting and Read mode. He's already started work on this. Christian, your expertise is obviously invaluable here too.
- Dan: Front-end editing UI/Write mode.
- Boone: BuddyPress integration (connection to groups and activity)
- Christian: Directories (commons.gc.cuny.edu/papers, as well as nav items for groups and users)
- Boone: Portfolio widget
- Ray: "Follow"
I'll start Github tickets for technical discussion of each of these items. I imagine that any number of them might spin into multiple tickets, at the devs' discretion.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Funny how this large a project managed to have no activity on the master ticket :) Completed in 1.9.