Design/UX #4939
Embiggen the Create New Paper button on the Social Paper Hub
Added by Matt Gold over 9 years ago.
Updated over 9 years ago.
Samantha Raddatz
Category name:
Social Paper
- Target version set to 1.9
Since we're adding a new size, I'd love to use an existing button style so that it's more likely to be clear to our existing users that this is a button (rather than a statement in a box). In the interest of adding color to the page, I'd like to go with the blue-style-button that's currently used in the Edit Profile page (as well as some other locations). Attached is what that would look like, approximately.
Boone: This is the My Profile > Edit Profile > Save Changes button with 16pt font and padding: 12px 24px
- Status changed from Assigned to Testing Required
Sam - The font-size and padding you specify didn't look at all like the mockup, so I adjusted.
Thanks, Boone. I'm trying to get better at the designing via Developer Tools, but clearly still have some learning to do!
It looks good to me. Up to Matt to say if it's big enough though :)
This looks great. Thank you!
- Status changed from Testing Required to Resolved
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