Feature #5050
openMaking comments visible in SP editing mode (SP suggestion #1)
A user has given us the following feedback :
Receiving comments on my paper has been great. I do find it troubling that I cannot see friends' comments when I "enable editing." The editing mode does not allow me to access the comments.
Related issues
Updated by Marilyn Weber about 9 years ago
- Assignee set to Samantha Raddatz
Matt has asked that these be assigned to you. Happy holidays!
- Marilyn Weber
Updated by Samantha Raddatz about 9 years ago
I think this is a good feature to attempt to add soon, and know that it was high on Erin's list of desired features.
Assigning to Boone for feasibility.
I just opened a related ticket for a case where this is kind of already happening: #5069
Updated by Paige Dupont almost 9 years ago
Hey Boone,
A lot of our Social Paper testing data supported this issue and I wanted to throw out a suggestion and some questions for you.
One big thing we found during testing was once a user found and entered their papers, they would immediately try to click into the paper to make edits without first hitting the enable editing button. This is a common practice with many online writing tools, when entering ones own work, the user is automatically in editing mode.
But then this lead us to realize that in editing mode, users cannot see the comments made on the paper. So I think the first question I have for you is: Is there a way we can activate the visibility of comments when a user is in editing mode?
So let me know if that's even a possibility and I'd love your feedback on this.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 9 years ago
So I think the first question I have for you is: Is there a way we can activate the visibility of comments when a user is in editing mode?
This is the very question that the current ticket is meant to address, right?
The short answer is that it's pretty hard to modify the system to show comments in edit mode at the moment. When you are editing a paper, you can delete paragraphs, add new ones, etc. We have some logic that works in the background to process these changes and sync each paragraph's comments appropriately. The key bit here is "in the background". For this to happen during edit mode, with comments visible, would require a fair amount of rebuilding.
I'm glad to hear what Christian and Ray have to say about it, but my gut is telling me that it's not worth putting in the work to make this happen unless we're also going to take the opportunity to migrate away from wp-front-end-editor at the same time - that is, assuming that we are going to do the latter at some point. Doing these two things separately will mean lots of duplicated work.
Updated by Matt Gold almost 9 years ago
If it's going to be hard to implement this, can we imagine work-arounds? could there be a "view comments" button/link in editing mode that, when clicked, opened a modal overlay with comments? That's probably a terrible idea, but I'm just wondering whether there is a possible workaround. I keep thinking that the manual workaround now is to have a SP open in two tabs, one in edit mode and one in reading mode.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 9 years ago
If this is a critical feature, then maybe we should get a sense, especially from Christian, of just how hard it will be to do the kind of synching described above while in Edit mode. I'm assuming it will be hard, but maybe I'm overestimating the difficulty.
Updated by Marilyn Weber over 5 years ago
Totally your call, but from my POV you're welcome to close out these social paper tickets.