Bug #5295
closedLousy Response Time and sporadic timeouts
At the risk of sounding like a broken record - Sunday afternoon from 3PM - 6:30PM - sporadic timeouts and waits to save pages - comes and goes - sometimes response time is great, other times over 1 minute to save or else a timeout. Same as last weekend. I think this needs to be addressed - not a very user friendly experience. Is this a weekend thing? It was pretty slow yesterday too - I had timeouts - but not as bad as today.
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to Not tracked
We're continuing to talk to IT about this. As this particular case is cleared up, I'm going to close the ticket. Please do open another one if the problem arises again!
Updated by Matt Gold almost 9 years ago
Hi Scott,
Also, for future reports, please provide:
Exact Date / Time
OS issues (visit supportdetails.com )
Description of issues encountered
Many thanks!
Updated by Matt Gold almost 9 years ago
Hi Scott,
Here is the updated info IT requests:
Please send:
- the web site and/or page that the user was having problem with
- the time (hour and minute) of the incident
- the IP from which the user is coming from (http://whatismyipaddress.com)
- the browers type and version that the user used
- a detailed description of the problem/incident
I've added this to a document here - https://redmine.gc.cuny.edu/documents/118