



Feature #581


Change wording of group nav buttons

Added by Boone Gorges almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

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BuddyPress (misc)
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From #555:

"The Groups Tab a the top of COMMONS-02.pdf is plural and brings you
the Groups Directory page. The Forum button in the sidebar of that page
is singular and brings you to a Group's Forums Directory. Making the
"Fourm" button "Forums" seems to make it a bit more symmetric with
the "Groups" button and eliminates the need for the Group Forum button
under the Forum title."

Personally, I disagree with this. That's partly because, in BuddyPress terminology, 'forums' are one-per-group, and are made up of topics (which are, in turn, made up of posts). Groups don't have multiple forums, they have a single forum with multiple topics. This is largely semantic and there is perhaps not a great argument for one option over another; however, I do think we should be internally consistent, and elsewhere, we use the forum/topic/post terminology.

However, I do think it's a good idea to get rid of the Group Forum button, or to change it to something a bit clearer, like "See all of [group]'s topics".



Screen_shot_2011-02-10_at_9.03.13_PM.png (143 KB) Screen_shot_2011-02-10_at_9.03.13_PM.png Idea for Forum Topic layout Michael Ferraro, 2011-02-10 09:05 PM
ForumTopicChanges.png (115 KB) ForumTopicChanges.png Chris Stein, 2011-02-11 05:04 PM
group-topic.png (45.3 KB) group-topic.png Boone Gorges, 2011-02-21 03:18 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Michael Ferraro almost 14 years ago

Boone Gorges wrote:

From #555:

"The Groups Tab a the top of COMMONS-02.pdf is plural and brings you
the Groups Directory page. The Forum button in the sidebar of that page
is singular and brings you to a Group's Forums Directory. Making the
"Fourm" button "Forums" seems to make it a bit more symmetric with
the "Groups" button and eliminates the need for the Group Forum button
under the Forum title."

Personally, I disagree with this. That's partly because, in BuddyPress terminology, 'forums' are one-per-group, and are made up of topics (which are, in turn, made up of posts). Groups don't have multiple forums, they have a single forum with multiple topics. This is largely semantic and there is perhaps not a great argument for one option over another; however, I do think we should be internally consistent, and elsewhere, we use the forum/topic/post terminology.

However, I do think it's a good idea to get rid of the Group Forum button, or to change it to something a bit clearer, like "See all of [group]'s topics".


Now that I see the structure I would agree that it should stay as Forum but the hierarchy might be made more clear. I have attached an idea for a visual pattern
that might help

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold almost 14 years ago

However, I do think it's a good idea to get rid of the Group Forum button, or to change it to something a bit clearer, like "See all of [group]'s topics".

Sounds like a great idea, Boone, though I'd say "See all Forum Topics"

I have attached an idea for a visual pattern that might help

Thanks, Michael. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain what you've changed here and why it might be better/clearer than what we have? Thanks.

(n.b. Added Chris and Michael as watchers on this ticket)

Actions #3

Updated by Michael Ferraro almost 14 years ago

Matt Gold wrote:

However, I do think it's a good idea to get rid of the Group Forum button, or to change it to something a bit clearer, like "See all of [group]'s topics".

Sounds like a great idea, Boone, though I'd say "See all Forum Topics"

I have attached an idea for a visual pattern that might help

Thanks, Michael. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Can you explain what you've changed here and why it might be better/clearer than what we have? Thanks.

(n.b. Added Chris and Michael as watchers on this ticket)

As a approach to making the hierarchy and your location in that hierarchy more clear
I added the word Forum under the name of the current group and under that a label
that identifies your current topic.

Actions #4

Updated by Chris Stein almost 14 years ago

I can see where you're going here. Matt I'm attaching an image that has the current look of a topic at the top and then a couple of alternates.

This brought up another issue which is whether we need the group title, public/private status and email options at the top of every group page. If you remove them it frees up some room (alternative 2). These are just a couple of quick things. I think any changes would need some more thought.

Also I noticed that the group title on the left grey group navigation area appears and disappears. I'll post another ticket on that.

Perhaps also this dicussion might be moved to a larger discussion of reworking the groups interface.

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 14 years ago

Here's what I've gone with. It's close to Chris's Alternative 1. If you have suggestions for changes, please feel free to reopen or to open a new ticket.

Fixed in

Actions #6

Updated by Matt Gold almost 14 years ago

Looks good, Boone. I liked how Chris moved the "Edit Topic/Sticky Topic/etc." buttons below the forum topic title. Am I right that you left those where they are? If so, we'll open a separate ticket if people think it needs to be changed.

Actions #7

Updated by Boone Gorges almost 14 years ago

As the screenshot shows, I did not change anything except for the buttons.


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