Support #6992
User cannot activate account
Added by Matt Gold over 8 years ago.
Updated over 8 years ago.
Category name:
Tried but could not activate a user who reported a problem signing up for a new account. please see attached screenshot
added Marilyn as a watcher
- Priority name changed from Normal to High
Boone -- any chance you can look at this today? The user is saying that the activation key isn't working for him. I'd like to activate him manually but can't do that at the moment
- Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
It's failing because there is an existing user dhalle with the email address, also belonging to a David Halle. The other account was created in 2011, and can be accessed via the password-reset mechanism. I assume it's the same person?
If there's a bug here, it's that the registration process allowed the user to sign up using this email/login. Unconfirmed is working properly.
Got it! thanks so much, Boone -- I appreciate your looking at this quickly.
Marilyn, can you please inform David of this?
Boone -- letting users know that they already have an account registered on the system isn't a bad idea, as this situation is not completely uncommon.
- Related to Bug #6998: Registration does not reject duplicate email addresses added
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Subject changed from Problem with uncomfirmed plugin to User cannot activate account
- Target version set to Not tracked
I've created #6998 to track the registration bug.
- Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved
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