



Feature #813


Install YOURLS

Added by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Priority name:
Category name:
WordPress (misc)
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Deployment actions:


Waiting for the domain name. Will probably need help from André. More to come.

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

André, YOURLS is the software we'll be using to handle URL shortening. More here:

YOURLS is a separate piece of software from WordPress. However, I'm thinking it might be nice to install the package inside of the Commons site, so that it can be tracked with Git (much like MediaWiki). So here's what I need from you, when you get a chance:

- a new database (we can call it 'yourls' or something else of your choosing), and all permissions granted to the regular Commons db user
- a new Apache VirtualHost that points the domain to the subdirectory where we'll keep the software. Let's go with /var/www/html/yourls/

I'll install and configure the software. Then we'll have to talk about modifying our backup scripts to take account of the new data.


Actions #2

Updated by local admin over 13 years ago

Done and done. Rock on!

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

Thanks for taking care of this so quickly, André!

YOURLS is added to the master branch in I made a customization or two that I'll document here for posterity's sake.

1) I abstracted the installation-specific config data to cac-env-config.php, so that the software will work on dev setups. (This is the same setup we have for WP, MW, etc.) It's very unlikely that anyone other than me would need to have a working installation of YOURLS on their Commons checkout, but if you do, you'll need to add the following lines to your cac-env-config.php:

define( 'YOURLS_DB_USER', 'xxxxx' );
define( 'YOURLS_DB_PASS', 'xxxxx' );
define( 'YOURLS_DB_NAME', 'xxxxx );
define( 'YOURLS_DB_HOST', 'localhost' );
define( 'YOURLS_DB_PREFIX', 'yourls_' );
define( 'YOURLS_SITE', '' );

Replace the definitions with the proper values, as necessary. See yourls/user/config.php for more info.

2) I added an index.html page to the yourls directory, so that visitors to the site wouldn't see a bare directory listing.

For the moment, I am keeping the Target Version at 1.3. If this dev cycle goes slowly, and we get our business cards before we're ready for 1.3, I will bump it back to an earlier milestone.

I'll also mark this as resolved. André, we should talk about the auxiliary setup that we'll need (backup, cdev, etc). I'll start a new ticket for that.

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 13 years ago

thanks, Andre!

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Hold

Reopening so that I remember to verify when we do our upgrade.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Hold to Resolved

I've added this to my update checklist, so I'm reclosing.


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