



Support #9949


raise storage space limit?

Added by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

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Samantha Valente asks "I am an administrative assistant at the CUNY Murphy Institute and we have a page under CUNY Academic Commons called New Labor Forum ( We have hit the 100 MB storage space limit. I was wondering if there is any way we can increase the storage space on our site?"


Screenshot_2018-06-20_09-13-14.png (8.04 KB) Screenshot_2018-06-20_09-13-14.png Boone Gorges, 2018-06-20 10:24 AM
NLF Dashboard Screenshot.png (91.3 KB) NLF Dashboard Screenshot.png Marilyn Weber, 2018-06-20 11:21 AM
Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 1.13.43 PM.png (276 KB) Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 1.13.43 PM.png Luke Waltzer, 2018-06-21 01:14 PM
space limit.JPG (101 KB) space limit.JPG Marilyn Weber, 2018-06-22 10:27 AM
hist space limit.JPG (72.6 KB) hist space limit.JPG Marilyn Weber, 2018-06-22 10:32 AM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #12023: Surfacing Site Storage Capacity & UseRejected2019-10-29

Actions #1

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Assignee set to Matt Gold

Matt, do you want to suggest a policy on this? We could probably nudge up the global per-site limit, but if a site like NLF has hit the current limit, it's likely they'll hit any modestly higher limit after not too much time.

Another option is to allow exceptions on a per-site basis. Given that we don't get requests of this nature very often (read: ever), we probably don't need to set the bar very high for sites that want more space. We can just give it to them if they ask, say, an extra 100MB at a time.

Actions #2

Updated by Matt Gold over 6 years ago

Thanks, Boone. I agree that we should raise the limit on a site-by-site basis. Can you please raise the limit for this particular site? Thank you

Actions #3

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

I went to make this change, but as far as I can see, the limit is disabled. Matt (or other super admins) have you changed this setting in the last day?

As it stands, no user should ever see a 100MB message.

Marilyn, could you please ask the user for a screenshot + specific URL where the limit was indicated?

Actions #4

Updated by Matt Gold over 6 years ago

Nope-- I have not done anything.

Actions #5

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago

She writes:
Yesterday I wasn’t able to upload new media to the site and in the Dashboard under At a Glance it was showing a line that said storage 100MB, 100% full. I’m not seeing that today (I’ve attached the screenshot from today) and I was able to add new media.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Rejected

Hrm. Very odd. Since the limit is disabled sitewide, I guess there's nothing more to do here? Please feel free to reopen if the problem crops up again.

Actions #7

Updated by Luke Waltzer over 6 years ago

Just ran into this on, screenshot attached.

(I'll raise limit myself)

Actions #8

Updated by Luke Waltzer over 6 years ago

Hmmm... trying to change upload quota at but my changes to "Site Upload Space Quota" field are not saving.

Actions #9

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

There are some caching issues on the Commons that can make the /wp-admin/network/site-settings.php pages unreliable. Please check with me before trying to change anything there.

I've just made a cli-level change for this site, to a 200MB limit. Luke, can you please confirm it's working now?

Actions #10

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago

Samantha Valente reports the same problem. Screenshot attached.

Actions #11

Updated by Matt Gold over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Rejected to Assigned
  • Assignee changed from Matt Gold to Boone Gorges
  • Priority name changed from Normal to High

Another report from Tony Picciano.

Actions #12

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago

Same for me - screenshot attached

Actions #13

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Reporter Feedback
  • Priority name changed from High to Normal
  • Target version set to 1.13.4

Not sure what's happened. The large number of sites with > 100MB in uploads clearly shows that we have long had the upload limit disabled. And when I go to the Dashboard settings, it shows that the limit is disabled. Something must have changed in the last few days that caused this setting to be filtered or something, though I've no idea what that might be. Ray, any thoughts would be welcome.

In I have forced the limit to be disabled across the site, in code rather than in the settings. Can anyone who is experiencing the problem please confirm the fix?

Actions #14

Updated by Marilyn Weber over 6 years ago

Fix is in!

Actions #15

Updated by Boone Gorges over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Reporter Feedback to Resolved

Thanks, Marilyn.

Actions #16

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #12023: Surfacing Site Storage Capacity & Use added

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