Bug #10560
PressForward Feed Reader hung up on TLC feed; won't retrieve other feed items
Added by Lisa Rhody over 6 years ago.
Updated over 6 years ago.
The PF Feed reader on the pftest.commons.gc.cuny.edu site seems to be hanging up on the TLC site and won't move on to retrieve items from feeds that have been added to the list of "subscribed feeds." From the user perspective, when I go to Dashboard -> PressForward -> Tools, and select the Retrieval Status tab, the status seems to hang at the TLC RSS feed item 3 out of 4. I've added other feeds, deleted feeds, and tried to interrupt the process, but nothing seems to have worked. Screenshot attached.
Was finally able to interrupt the feed retrieval process and start over, but it ended up hanging on another feed.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Thanks for the report and the screenshots, Lisa. It's hard to pin down what might be happening asynchronously, so I've enabled PressForward's debug log tools. This will allow us to gather some information over the next day or two, which should help collect info about what's happening. I'll check back tomorrow to see if there's more info available.
For my own notes: wp-content/blogs.dir/3479/files/pressforward.log
I came across a fatal error while debugging some PHP 7.2 stuff on Friday, but forgot to mention it.
I opened an issue on the PF Github repo here. Perhaps it's related to this problem?
Thanks to you both, Ray and Boone, for following up! Let me know if I can help.
- Target version set to 1.13.13
Thanks, Ray. It looks very likely that the fatal error is related. I'll take a bit of time to dig into PF and maybe open a PR that, at the very least, makes the import process more resilient in case of failure.
- Related to Bug #10564: PHP 7.2 Incompatibility Problems added
Hi Lisa - I've already ported the change to the Commons (that's what I meant in comment 8 above). Please let us know if this is enough to clear it up.
Oh! sorry... my misunderstanding!
- Target version changed from 1.13.13 to 1.14.1
Lisa, could you please check to see whether importing is working properly, and report back when you get a chance?
It looks like it's working for me.
It's still incredibly slow, though.
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
Thanks, Paul. Not sure what I can do about the slowness of fetching. Latency is likely due to the slowness of fetching feeds, which is why it happens in the background - so you shouldn't notice the slowness in your everyday work.
As the immediate problem here appears to be solved, I'm going to close the ticket. Please report back if there are more reproducible problems.
Things seem to have cleared up for me as well. Apologies for the delay, and thanks, Paul for checking your feeds. Many thanks! Best, L
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