



Bug #11043


All Group Admins displaying as "instructors" on Courses Tab

Added by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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Hi All,

Marilyn is incorrectly listed as the instructor for the course "HIS127 Microhistories: Latin America" (screenshot 1) on page three of the courses tab ( She is an admin for the group but she shouldn't be listed as an instructor. Is there any indication as to why the system is pulling her name as the instructor? I don;t think we want all admins on sites/groups listed as instructors since this would be misleading.

I tried to correct this through the courses backend ( but for some reason I cannot see any information associated with this course (screenshot 2).

Somewhat unrelated: is it possible to sort the courses by semester or date added? When displayed alphabetically (as it is now) the same courses consistently appear on the first page.


screenshot 2.png (122 KB) screenshot 2.png Laurie Hurson, 2019-02-04 05:03 PM
screenshot 1.png (220 KB) screenshot 1.png Laurie Hurson, 2019-02-04 05:03 PM
corrected screenshot 1.png (228 KB) corrected screenshot 1.png Laurie Hurson, 2019-02-04 05:14 PM

Related issues

Related to CUNY Academic Commons - Feature #11049: Courses tab should sort chronologically by termResolvedBoone Gorges2019-02-05

Actions #1

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago

Corrected screenshot 1

Actions #2

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago

Update: I was able to view the custom fields through the classic editor and deleted Meredith's instructor id. So this issue is resolved on this course. I think this may become a larger issue if group and site admins are always interpreted as instructors on the courses tab. For example, I am often an admin on courses I help professor build to help troubleshoot issues. Though this back end admin access is helpful for them, I do not want to be listed as an instructor.

Actions #3

Updated by Laurie Hurson over 5 years ago

Also, can some add Luke as a watcher here? I do not have the capability to add watchers. Thanks!!

Actions #4

Updated by Raymond Hoh over 5 years ago

  • Category name set to Courses
  • Status changed from New to Assigned
  • Assignee set to Boone Gorges
  • Target version set to 1.14.6

I've added Luke as a watcher.

When Boone gets back, he can look into this. (Boone, I also need Github access to the cac-courses repo.)

Actions #5

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Resolved

Thanks for the report.

for some reason I cannot see any information associated with this course

I'm unsure why this is happening. I guess it may be related to a change between older versions of Gutenberg and what's included in WP 5.0.3; courses created in the old system don't appear to be read properly by the system now. I've just made a small change that'll force a prompt to "reset the template" when you try to edit an older course - see screenshot. If you find that you need to do this in the future, you can safely click "Reset the Template" and continue to edit as normal.

I don;t think we want all admins on sites/groups listed as instructors since this would be misleading.

This was part of the import logic used last semester. See, line 42 etc. The idea was that Raven and Anthony may not have successfully identified all instructor, so I assumed that when not present, the site admin and/or the group admin was the instructor. As you can see from the source data, this resulted in filling in far more data than otherwise would've been available. I guess the cost, in this case, was a false positive. If we want this feature disabled for future imports, that's OK with me - we then need to be sure that the source data is completely filled out.

There is no logic built into the plugin itself that assumes anything about who the instructor is. It depends 100% on what's entered into the system. This case was just due to the import logic.

Somewhat unrelated: is it possible to sort the courses by semester or date added? When displayed alphabetically (as it is now) the same courses consistently appear on the first page.

I will open a separate ticket.

(Boone, I also need Github access to the cac-courses repo.)

Ray, you've been added.

I don't think any more action is required here, so I'm closing. Please feel free to reopen if this is not the case.

Actions #6

Updated by Boone Gorges over 5 years ago

  • Related to Feature #11049: Courses tab should sort chronologically by term added

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