Bug #12573
openCommentPress Core Issues
I have retested following the release and there are still some issues:
- the footer is does not display correctly
- "Create A New Doc" goes to create a new group/site/group+site (Special Pages)
- Site Home goes to CAC Homepage (Special Pages)
- Recently Active button shows all Commons members who are recently active
- Who is Online shows all Commons members who are online
- If you change the theme to a non commentpress theme, and try to change back, you can only change to Comment Default theme, not the Modern theme (you have to deactivate plugin and reactivate to get to the Modern theme again)
Most of these are not terribly serious, and the plugin still works, but it would be nice to get them fixed in the future, when there is time.
Related issues
Updated by Boone Gorges almost 5 years ago
- Target version set to Future release
Thanks for cataloging these issues, Scott.
Re 6, I have added commentpress-modern to the main Commons repo and I'll enable it after the next release https://github.com/cuny-academic-commons/cac/commit/e357953718242cd9ab4b5b28841ff5336f155faa
For 2-5, could you say a bit more about how you think the plugin should work? I can have a look, but I want to be sure I'm aiming for functionality that we actually want :-D
Updated by scott voth almost 5 years ago
Thanks! Here are my suggestions:
2 - Create A New Doc" goes to create a new group/site/group+site (Special Pages) - Ideally hide, or else go to create a page. (I wonder if the purpose of this special page is to actually create a new book (i.e site) - I think there might be a more successful place for this.)
3 - Site Home goes to CAC Homepage (Special Pages) - Ideally, eliminate, or else go to the home page of the site.
4 - Recently Active button shows all Commons members who are recently active - Eliminate or else show a list of the recent commenters on the actual site.
5 - Who is Online shows all Commons members who are online - Eliminate or else show a list of the recent active members on the actual site.
Updated by Boone Gorges over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #13657: Activating commentpress-modern theme can cause fatal errors if commentpress-core plugin not active added